To further enhance the voice command capabilities, enable voice control of your Google Chromecast within Google Home. Enable this by selecting the Chromecast under devices within the Google Home and then select “Enable voice control and more…” Enabling this feature on the Google Chromecast allows you to play, pause, stop as well as control the volume using your voice.
First say, “OK Google, turn on Workout Space” to supply power to all devices from the smart power bar. Then you could say something to the nature of “OK Google, play ‘Yoga with Adriene, Core Strength Ritual’ on Chromecast.” This will automatically switch the projector’s input to the Google Chromecast and start casting a workout video. Note: You can also select a video or music to stream from your phone by simply tapping the cast button.
To control the volume say, “OK Google, set volume to 50%.” This voice command will turn the volume down via the Chromecast which then lowers the volume to the speakers connected to your AV receiver.